Friday, September 14, 2012

Fragrances could be harmful to your health!

Today my friends, I would like to discuss some facts about scents, some of the health dangers, and some valuable information about the toxic ingredients. This information will help, you can make an educated decision on whether you want to continue to use commercial toxic fragrances, scented products, and cosmetics.

In our world today we are surrounded by many different scents. Perfumes, cologne, musk, and body sprays that are all called “fragrances.” 

We all love the smell of a rose and desire to have an alluring scent whether it is a floral, exotic, or musky. Each individual has their own personal scent that they find appealing. But appealing as it might seem there are many dangers that you probably are not aware of.

What technically is a fragrance?

Under the U.S. law, the term fragrance is defined as a combination of chemicals that gives each perfume or cologne its distinct scent.
Fragrance ingredients may be produced by chemical synthesis or derived from petroleum or natural raw materials. Companies that manufacture perfumes or cologne purchase fragrance mixtures from fragrance houses (companies that specialize in developing fragrances) to develop their own proprietary blends or in layman terms their own special scent. 
 The chemical components in fragrances are not listed because they are protected as trade secrets and described on the label simply as “fragrance.”
The scent in your perfume may be concocted from any number of the fragrance industry 3,100 stock chemicals ingredients. The really unfortunate part is that most of the ingredients are almost always hidden from the consumer.  Many scent are actually a complex cocktail of natural essences and synthetic chemicals –often petrochemicals.
Another hidden ingredients and a scented secret is Phthalates  (is a common plasticizing ingredients)  and is linked to many health problems.
 In addition to “scent” chemicals that we actually smell, perfumes or cologne also contain solvents, stabilizers, UV absorbers, preservatives and dyes. These additives often, but not always are listed on product labels.
 This includes shampoos, lotions, bath products, cleaning sprays air-fresheners, detergents that have been strongly scented and potentially contain Voltaire ingredients that are hidden behind the word “fragrance.”

Toxic ingredients and chemical terms from EWG:
Phthalates, Volatile and semivolatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs),Nitro- and polycylic- musks

Related ingredients from EWG: monoethyl phthalate,galaxolide,diethyl phthalate, n-tetradecanoic acid, oleic acid,palmitic acid

Some Concerns and Health Dangers:

The federal government are also uninformed about these issues and a review of government records shows that the U.S. FDA has not accessed the vast majority of these secret fragrance chemicals for safety on personal care products. Nor have most of them been evaluated by the safety review panel of the International Fragrance Association or any other accountable institution.
Phthalates have been linked to birth defects in the reproductive system of boys at exposure levels typical for about one-quarter of U.S. women. They are also known to lower sperm-motility in men.  Studies in laboratory animals and show significant developmental toxicity plus damage to adult reproductive, adrenal, liver, and kidney organs.  
 The average fragrance product tested contained 14 secret chemicals not listed on the label. Among them are chemicals that were associated with hormone disruption and allergic reaction.  Allergic reactions to fragrances are considered to be among the top five known allergens and are known to both cause asthma and trigger asthma attacks.
 Those tested by Analytical Sciences in Petaluma California determined that everyone is impacted by all these products.  From unborn babies, teens, men and women of all ages were all affected. All products that were tested contained a range of ingredients associated  with health concerns such as allergic sensitization, and potential effects of the endocrine system or reproductive toxicity.
Upon request of from the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, The Environmental Working Group sent 17 brand-name perfumes to be tested by the independent laboratory Analytical Sciences. Thirteen of the perfumes had been purchased in the U.S. and four in Canada.
Researchers uncovered 40 different chemicals in perfume samples, in addition to the 51 listed on labels. Of the 40 ingredients found, only two were listed on the label of every product containing them; the other 38 were unlisted on at least one of the 17 labels.
I believe we all deserve to know what chemicals we are being exposed to and the right to expect the government to protect us, but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case! Join the fight for safe cosmetic @

Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the dangers that the toxic ingredients in scents or perfumes may cause and continue to use them daily. If this information has not convinced you to check out your perfumes, cologne, or any other products you that have fragrances in them then just take a look around you at the overwhelming evidence. The dramatic increase of allergic reactions, asthma, endocrine disorders, just to name a few.  Not only are these products with their toxic ingredients affecting you but, they are also affecting those around you sometimes making them severely ill.

I strongly urge you to use organic or natural products, you only have one life to live and when we have lost our health we have lost one of our most precious gifts. After all isn’t your family’s health and well-being worth it?

For safe and organic cosmetics and fragrances please check out “Eye on Beauty”  An Online Natural & Organic Beauty Boutique & For More Important Information go to “Eye on Green Magazine”!

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